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I was thinking today about when I first graduated from high school and the different branches of the military would call my house, asking for me, and then they proceeded to try and convince me to enlist. (I know that many kids get called at this time because it's a prime recruiting time...)
Needless to say I always enjoyed sparring with these gentlemen who would try and talk me, the most girly person, into joining the army. Don't get me wrong, I am very very grateful for the men and women who serve our country I just had some issues with the whole idea.
I have had a fascination with gender/gender roles for a while now. And even though I was raised post-women's lib. I don't really agree that men and women are indeed equal. Hear me out on this...I don't believe you can compare apples to oranges and call them the same, logically this doesn't make any sense. Men are great but they stink at birthing babies, I have yet to hear of that being accomplished...We are just plainly not the same!
So when I thought of myself joining the army for instance, I thought to myself, "I would be subjected to boot camp, being yelled at for not being able to do a push-up, and running miles a day with a pack on...etc" And I would have to ask if I would get special privileges when I had my period...Of course they would say no. But I don't see any men getting punched in the stomach, and have something injected in their bodies to make their lower back, and inner thighs cramp up, and then asked to run a do push-ups.
Again, we're not equal.
I really really have problems with institutions that try and equal out gender. I think it is a lie Satan has introduced into the world to emasculate men, and create women who are either ashamed of their femininity or abuse it for gain. Let apples be apples and oranges be oranges.
**I think that you can still be feminine and serve in the military, however I wish that the military would respect your right to be feminine...