Monday, April 26, 2010

Four Daughters

Today's movie is Four Daughters from 1938.  Honestly the people starring in the film are were not that famous so I won't go into it.  The movie is about four sisters all ranging from late teens to early twenties who live with their father who is a musician and trains the girls in there perspective musical talents. A young man (and a musician) comes into town seeking help to get his large piece of work finished and requests help from the girls father.  This young man is very charming and each girls seems to have a crush on him.  But he falls in love with the youngest who falls in love (sort of) with a boy who needs help and so it's kind of a love triangle.  Sometimes I can't explain these very well but it's a really good story line and they made 2 other films to follow this one, Four Wives, and then Four Mothers.  I have seen them all and they are all good! This series is not very well known but I love them.
**I watch a lot these movies on the Turner Classic Movie channel. But all my movies are available for rent on or to purchase at   I just say this so you know where to get them or see them if you want to. Enjoy!


  1. i've never seen this and have always wanted to. now i really need to!

    p.s. I have vintage glam giveaway I think you might like!

  2. This sounds good! Thanks for sharing where you find these movies. I've looked at our local rental place and the have a small selection of older movies, but not too many. I need to rent Sabrina so I can finally see the original version. ;)

  3. I left you something on my blog!

