Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter Parade

Hello everyone! My movie selection this week is in honor of Easter.  It's called Easter Parade, starring Judy Garland and Fred Astaire.  This is a musical made in 1948 based around a New York tradition going back to the 1880's where men and women would get on their best clothes and hats and take a walk on Easter Morning.  That in it self doesn't make a really great movie so there's a love story and great song and dance routines too.  My favorite part of this movie are the clothes and hats...and of course Judy Garland who is one of my favorite actresses from the 1940's.  It's really fun, I wish that I could be apart of the Parade because I really look good in hats (if I do say so myself) California has no "hat traditions." Happy Easter Week (be sure to eat your peeps!)


  1. That sounds like a fun movie! I love clothes from the 30's and 40's!! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. what a cute sounding movie!!! thanks for passing it along. thanks for your sweet comment, as well. : )

  3. Oh! This one sounds neat Meg...I've never seen it. I was just talking to my dear Gram (grandma) today about how I wish people would still get a special Easter outfit (hat, gloves, the works) and dress up all beautifully for Easter, you know? I hope you're doing well today! How's work going?
